Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Comfort Suite Massage

A tip to enhance your Massage during treatment

Communicate any discomfort or concern. Say if the pressure of the massage is anything other than just right for you.
Know that it is alright to talk if you’d like, but that silence is acceptable as well. In fact, silence may deepen your massage experience, allowing you to focus on what is happening in your body, mind, emotion and spirit as you are being massaged.
As you settle on the massage table, imagine your body being very heavy and melting into the massage table.
Breathe deeply into every cell of your being throughout your massage. As you breathe in, imagine your being filling with light, energy, and wellness. As you breathe out, imagine releasing any stress, tension, pain, or worry you might be carrying. Focus on this especially when you feel any area being worked on that feels tight or tense.
Open yourself to fully receiving. Your massage session is time just for you to let go and receive.
Allow emotions to surface and be expressed.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Hadith of the Day

As Ramadan fast approaches, let’s all reflect on it’s true meaning and purpose. Here’s a beautiful article on the blessings behind the “hardships” of Ramadan: http://www.hadithoftheday.com/inspiration/articles-and-interviews/ramadan-reflections-hardships-are-hidden-blessings/.